The parable illustrated by Jesus himself in Matthew 13:24-43 is simplified in this statement, "you cannot choose what, who, and where you learned a lesson and how hard is to grow in purpose while being surrounded by something that seems to have no purpose at all." Fortunately, God goes about life making it happen without our input. I'm sure at times we think that God is responding or reacting to our disagreement, disapproval, or unsatisfaction about how He goes about being God, but I am here to tell you through trial and failure He does not! He is Thee

Ultimate planner and knows how to make your part work together with the next believer all to reach one soul thousands of miles away. He is just that good. Plus how good would we understand his grace, mercy, favor, and seeing how our lives differ from unbelievers except we grow together. More and more in my walk with Christ I see how my life is the way it is with the protection of God simply because of His Hand over my life. I have watched the enemy plot and fail simply because I pray and that same trap that was set out for my demise is met at the door of an unbeliever or a tare. We need to see how the same soil does not determine the same success! I felt that all the way in my soul. God is so strategic that no matter what grows around us or even touches the plan He has over our lives will manifest even in the most uncomfortable, destitute, and dry circumstances. Grow with God. Grow in God. Grow for God. -L.A.
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